Generate and signal a condition.

throw(general, specifics = NULL, env = NULL, as = "error", class = NULL, ...)



A single character which gives a general statement of the condition.


Optional. A character vector which gives a list of details of the condition. If is character(0), throw() will return silently. If is a named vector, the names are used to create bullets. If the name is "x" or "i", the bullet will be colored and bold. The default name is "x". You can customize bullets with option erify.bullets.


Optional. An environment or named list which is used to evaluate the R code in the above arguments. See glue::glue().


Optional. "error", "warning" or "message" which indicates how to signal the condition. The default value is "error".


Optional. A character vector which assigns classes to the condition.


Optional. Additional arguments which are stored in the condition and can be retrieved with tryCatch().


If specifics is character(0), returns an invisible NULL. Or signals an error, a warning, or a message.


general <- "You are wrong."

# returns silently
throw(general, character(0))

if (FALSE) {

specifics <- c("Detail 1.", i = "Detail 2.")
throw(general, specifics)

# embed R code with glue syntax
throw("`x` is {x}.", env = list(x = 1))

# add and retrieve additional argument
  { throw(general, arg = "I'm an additional argument.") },
  error = function(e) e$arg
#> [1] "I'm an additional argument."