Create a Meter object.

Meter objects represent time signatures.

  bar = NULL,
  actual_number = NULL,
  actual_unit = NULL,
  invisible = NULL



A positive number to represent the upper numeral in a time signature symbol, which indicates how many beats are contained in each measure.


1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 to represent the lower numeral in a time signature symbol, which indicates the duration of one beat.


Optional. A positive integer which indicates the number of the measure into which to insert the Meter object. By default, a Meter object will be inserted into the first measure(s).

actual_number, actual_unit

Optional, which defines the actual time signature rather than the time signature symbol on score. Usually used to create pickup measures. By default, these two arguments are the same with number and unit respectively.


Optional. A single logical, which indicates whether to show the time signature symbol on score. The default value is FALSE.


A list with class Meter.

See also

+.Music() for adding Meter objects to a Music object.


# create a 3/4 time signature
Meter(3, 4)
#> Meter 3/4 

# insert a time signature into a specific measure
Music() + Meter(3, 4, bar = 10)
#> Music
#> Meter 3/4 at bar 10 

m <- Music() + Line(list("C5"), list(3))

# specify the actual time signature
ts <- Meter(3, 4, actual_number = 1, actual_unit = 4)
#> Meter 3/4 (1/4) 

if (interactive()) {
  show(m + ts)

# make a time signature invisible on score
if (interactive()) {
  ts <- Meter(3, 4, invisible = TRUE)
  show(m + ts)