Export an object to various file formats.
export(x, dir_path, file_name, formats, musescore)
# S3 method for Music
export(x, dir_path, file_name, formats, musescore = NULL)
An object.
A single character which specifies the directory to which to export the object.
A single character which specifies the name of the exported file(s).
A character vector which specifies the file formats. Supported file formats are "mscz", "mscx", "pdf", "png", "svg", "wav", "mp3", "flac", "ogg", "midi", "mid", "musicxml", "mxl", "xml", "metajson", "mlog", "mpos" and "spos".
Optional. A character vector which represents the command line options passed to MuseScore. See MuseScore command line options for details. Also see "Examples" section.
Invisible NULL
Files with name file_name
and with extensions
are generated in dir_path
: export a Music